There are many kinds of gardens and for your own personal garden you can plant the seeds to produce exactly the kind of garden you enjoy or need. This Web site is my garden of things I enjoy or need for work and play. I share it with you.
(To return to this page from other pages in the site, click the garden photo at the top of the page.)
Sites on which I developed, updated and published Web pages as part of my employment.
Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) - Organization for professional journalists
MOREnet - Provider of Internet backbone and network services for Missouri schools, universities, libraries and state government, a department of the University of Missouri System
Personal Web sites I developed for my family and myself.
Janet's Garden - My Web publishing experience and hobbies
Exis Jaxn Band - Web site for our family band and musician husband's professional resume and composition excerpts.
Examples of my use of various Web publishing tools.
Dreamweaver, CSS, Flash
Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Professional
ASP.NET (Visual Basic), JavaScript, PHP/MySQL
Columbia Chorale, Columbia Civic Orchestra, 9th Street Orchestra, Hand bells
Master Gardeners, Heart of Missouri African Violet Society, Gardening-related links
For questions about this Web site or the Exis Jaxn Band Web site, please contact webmaster.
View webmaster's resume and training background.