Sites on which I developed, updated and published Web pages as part of my employment. Specific examples of my work on these sites can be found in the Web Development Examples section below.
Organization for professional journalists.
I redesigned this page, like the other new pages on the site, to make the page easier to modify and to move from section to section. The current home page on this site will be replaced with the new style after the Web hosting company implements WordPress functionality on the page. WordPress will enable outside contributors to add news content to the site more easily without staff assistance and automatically manage article archiving. I have reorganized and updated most of the pages that have the red, drop-down menu across the top of the page.
Examples of site sections I have updated:
Best In Business Contest - including editing, reorganizing, testing all rules pages and formatting and editing text on the Online Division entry form. (Click BIB links at the top of the page for a list of other BIB pages.)
Join SABEW - I reorganized the section and the content divisions for the pages. Some of the individual event pages have been created by another staff member.
See also Web Development Examples for specific examples of my work.
MOREnet provides Internet backbone and network services for Missouri schools, universities, libraries and state government, a department of the University of Missouri System. I worked at MOREnet from 2000-2007.
I worked primarily on Network Services and Video Conferencing Services pages, as well as Technical Support and some Training departmental pages. The University installed a KnowledgeBase help desk tool that is now the primary Web technical support tool for MOREnet, but most of the pages I set up still remain. Support pages I set up still have the same styles as the rest of the Web site.
I also redesigned the Services section home page and right menu and created a standard set of relevant sections to be used in describing MOREnet services. The Services pages I updated use that standard.
My name still appears in the metatags at the beginning of the page source code on my pages. Many remain unchanged. I usually managed and updated both the services and support pages for my assigned departments. Examples are:
Networks and Workstations (Support)
This Web site will be a place for my favorite hobbies and my professional portfolio. (Under construction; begun Jan. 10, 2009)
Web site for our family band and my husband's administrative and music resumes. This is a modified Drupal site. (Originally created June 2007)
For questions about this Web site or the Exis Jaxn Band Web site, please contact webmaster.
View webmaster's resume and training background.